How to watch ARTE outside France

Steps to unblock ARTE :

  1. Setup a Free trial account for
  2. Configure your device to use
  3. Go to ARTE website or use their app if supported. Please look at supported device for ARTE
  • Website:
  • Subscription: Free
  • Available Regions:
  • Category: Video On Demand

ARTE is a cultural TV channel from France and Germany. Its content is available online live and on demand on ARTE website and on the ARTE app which can be installed on iPad, iPhone, Apple TV, Android, Windows 10 and Xbox One but it is only available when you are in France.

To be able to watch all ARTE content live and on demand while you are not in France, you just need to create a Liberador account and to configure your device following the setup instructions available below.

You will then be able to validate your configuration on your Liberador account page and finally restart your device for the changes to be effective.

Once your device is restarted, you will then have again access to all ARTE online streaming content both live and on demand just like when you are in France.

Supported Devices for ARTE

Device Setup Guide
Apple TV Setup Apple TV
Android Setup Android
iPad Setup iPad
iPhone Setup iPhone
Mac OS X Setup Mac OS X
Windows 8 Setup Windows 8
Windows XP Setup Windows XP
Windows 7 Setup Windows 7
Windows 11 Setup Windows 11
Windows 10 Setup Windows 10

What is

Liberador.NET is a Smart DNS service, which allows you to use the streaming services you like regardless of your location. No speed loss and best of all you can try it for free – no credit card needed.

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